2025-02-07 |
Private Examination form for semester 2nd, 4th and 6th
2025-02-03 |
One time special chance to clear backlog
2025-01-15 |
Downloading of Admit Cards sem 1st regular w.e.f 16/01/2025
2025-01-14 |
Notice::Option for Updating Email ID on Admission portal will be provided soon.
2025-01-10 |
Information for Students of Sem 5(CBCS) regarding downloading of admit of Card for regular examination w.e.f 11/01/2025
2025-01-08 |
Postponement of sem 3rd PG exams
2024-12-31 |
RR and Roll No of Sem 1st 2024-2025
2024-12-28 |
Re Evaluation form of 2nd Semester
2024-12-26 |
Postponement of Major-2nd Website Development (UCSMJT-504)
2024-12-07 |
ROLL NO. LIST of the candidates enrolled in Semester-I after 21/11/2024 (List No.03)
2023-01-10 |
Postponement of 5th sem Pvt. Examination which was earlier held on 13-01-2023 |
2022-12-26 |
Notice for Commerce Semester 6th Supplementary Examination |
2022-12-16 |
Notice for Scholarship |
2022-12-13 |
Notice for Election of Class Representatives (Semester 3rd and 5th) |
2022-12-07 |
Notice for Election of Class Representatives |
2022-12-07 |
Check for PG Semester 1st Admission Notification & Counsellimg Schedule, Rank List of PG English & Zollogy, Merit List of PG Home Science and MCA. |
2022-12-01 |
Notice for Submission of Anti-Ragging Affidavit |
2022-11-29 |
PG Music Semester 1st Admission Notice along with Merit List for the Session 2022-23 |
2022-11-28 |
Applications are Invited from Eligible Students for Financial Aid Scholarship Session 2022-23 |
2022-11-26 |
PG Admission Notification for the Session 2022-23 |
2022-11-25 |
Re-evaluation Notifcation for UG Semester 4th Result July-Aug 2022 Private |
2022-11-24 |
Notification for invitation of Scholarship Applications on National Scholarship Portal (www.nsp.ac.in) |
2022-11-22 |
Offline Counselling Schedule for Multi-Disciplinary Course UG Semester 1st (URGENT) |
2022-11-19 |
PG Admission Notification (Edit Option and Uploading of Graduation Marks) |
2022-11-19 |
Time Table B.Sc. Semester 1st, 2nd for the Session 2022-23 |
2022-11-19 |
Time Table B.Sc. Semester 3rd, 4th for the Session 2022-23 |
2022-11-19 |
Time Table B.Sc. Semester 5th, 6th for the Session 2022-23 |
2022-11-17 |
Applications are invited by JK Science, Technology and Innovation Council for Science Talent Promotion Scholarship |
2022-11-17 |
Notice for Submission of Forms for UG Semester 6th Supplementary Examinations as Private Candidates |
2022-11-16 |
Roll No / Section list B.Sc. Semester 5th 2022-23 |
2022-11-12 |
Re-evaluation Notifcation for UG Semester 2nd Result July-Aug 2022 Private |
2022-11-08 |
Re-evaluation Notifcation for UG Semester 6th Result Aug-Sept 2022 Regular |
2022-11-03 |
Notice Regarding PGET-2022 Admit Card |
2022-11-02 |
Notice for Admission to Art and Craft Diploma Course |
2022-11-01 |
Notice for Conduct of GCW PG Entrance Test 2022 for Admission in PG Courses |
2022-10-28 |
Notice for filling of the private examination form for Candidates of session 2014, 2015 & 2016. (Mercy chance Extension) |
2022-10-27 |
Notification Regarding Extension of Dates for Filling up of Re-evaluation Forms |
2022-10-25 |
Notification Regarding Submission of Examination Cum Permission Form for UG Semester 1st, 3rd and 5th Private Candidates |
2022-10-19 |
Notice for Document Verification of UG Semester 3rd and 5th Students |
2022-10-17 |
General Time Table for UG Semester 1st for the Session 2022-23 |
2022-10-17 |
Notifcation for Filling of Re-evaluation Forms of UG Semester 5th (Supplementary) and 6th (Private) July August 2022 |
2022-10-11 |
Notifcation for Extension of Dates for Filling up Re-evaluation Forms of UG Semester 3rd |
2022-10-11 |
Notifcation For Candidates Of UG Semester 2nd, 4th And 6th Regular Examination Who Were Charged To Have Resorted To Use Unfair Means/ Misconducts In The Aforesaid Examination |
2022-10-10 |
Notifcation for Admission of UG Semester 3rd and 5th for the Session 2022-23 |
2022-10-10 |
Time Table of UG Semester 1st for the Session 2022-23 |
2022-10-08 |
PG Admission Notification and Entrance Scheme for the Session 2022-23 |
2022-10-08 |
Guidelines for PG Admissions 2022 |
2022-10-07 |
Classwork for UG Semester 1st (Four year UG Program) Starting w.e.f. 10-10-2022 |
2022-09-21 |
Notice and Time-Table for B.Com. Semester 5th (Tentative) |
2022-09-20 |
External Practical Biotechnology for UG Semester 6th Stand Postponed |
2022-09-19 |
Corrigendum Regarding Postponement and Rescheduling of UG Semester 2nd and 6th Exams |
2022-09-12 |
Re-evaluation Notifcation for UG Semester 3rd Result March-April 2022 Regular |
2022-09-06 |
Corrigendum regarding posponement of Psychology Examination of UG Semester 4th |
2022-08-26 |
List of Shortage Cases of UG Semester 2nd Chemistry |
2022-08-25 |
List of Shortage Cases of UG Semester 2nd, 4th and 6th Mathematics |
2022-08-25 |
List of Shortage Cases of UG Semester 4th |
2022-08-25 |
List of Shortage Cases of UG Semester 2nd |
2022-08-22 |
Applications are invited for Consultant Linguist and Language Editor under NLTM Project |
2022-08-20 |
Notice and List of Shortage Cases of UG Semester 6th |
2022-08-08 |
In view of the Ashoora on 9th of august 2022, the supplementary examination of UG semester 5th scheduled to be held on 09-08-2022 is hereby postponed and shall be held on 10-08-2022 |
2022-07-30 |
Pre-Admission Counselling cum Awareness Programme in view of New Education Policy (NEP-2022) at GCW Parade Jammu. |
2022-07-29 |
Notification for Fresh Registrations for Post Metric Scholarship. |
2022-07-29 |
Type Test for Language Editor under National Language Translation Mission. |
2022-07-18 |
Notification for Internal Assessment of Semester 2nd, 4th and 6th Regular Candidates. |
2022-07-16 |
Private Examination forms for PG 1st and 3rd Semester. |
2022-07-15 |
Applications invited for Language Editor under National Language Translation Mission purely on time bound basis. |
2022-07-09 |
Extension Admission Notice for Stenographer and Secretarial Assistant |
2022-07-09 |
Submission of Examination-cum-Permission form for UG Semester 5th Supplementary Examinations as Private Candidates |
2022-07-07 |
Submission of Re-evaluation forms for UG Semester 5th (MARCH-APRIL 2022) (Regular) |
2022-06-30 |
List of candidates shortlisted for interview for Junior Computer Scientist (NLTM Project) to be conducted on 04-07-2022. |
2022-06-20 |
Notification for the Examination of Subject Statistics UG Semester 4th Private. |
2022-06-18 |
Advertisement Of Admission Notice Of Stenographer & Secretarial Assistant (English) for the Session 2022-23. |
2022-06-17 |
Instructions and Scheme of Paper for UG Semester 2nd, 4th and 6th Private Examinations. |
2022-06-13 |
Applications are invited on temporary basis for consortium project National Language Translation Mission (NLTM). |
2022-06-08 |
Notice for UG Semester 5th Internal Assessment Retest. |
2022-06-08 |
Revised Absentee and Failure List UG Semester 5th Internal Assessment. |
2022-06-07 |
Schedule for UG Semester 5th Internal Assessment Retest. |
2022-06-07 |
Absentee and Failure List UG Semester 5th Internal Assessment. |
2022-05-30 |
Schedule for UG Semester 3rd Internal Assessment Retest. |
2022-05-30 |
Absentee and Failure List UG Semester 3rd Internal Assessment. |
2022-05-20 |
Notice Regarding Mercy Chance for Clearing Backlog for the Candidates of Session 2016. |
2022-05-19 |
Notice Regarding Election of Class Representators (CR). |
2022-05-18 |
Replacement of NSS Volunteer to attend the NIC Lucknow w.e.f. 21-05-2022 to 27-05-2022. |
2022-05-17 |
Schedule for Retest of Internal Assessment UG Semester 1st Regular 2022. |
2022-05-17 |
Notification for Retest of Internal Assessment UG Semester 1st Regular 2022. |
2022-05-17 |
Failure List Internal Assessment UG Semester 1st Regular 2022. |
2022-05-17 |
Absentee List Internal Assessment UG Semester 1st Regular 2022. |
2022-05-14 |
Fresh Applications for Post-Metric Scholarship invited for SC Category Students. |
2022-05-13 |
Submission of Examination Forms for UG Semester 2nd, 4th and 6th (Private). |
2022-05-11 |
List of UG Semester 1st students for hostel allotment for the year 2022-23 (including waiting list). |
2022-05-10 |
General Time Table B.A. Semester 4th. |
2022-05-10 |
General Time Table B.Sc. Semester 6th. |
2022-05-07 |
General Time Table B.A. Semester 2nd. |
2022-05-06 |
General Time Table BSc Semester 4th. |
2022-04-28 |
Notice Regarding Regular Classwork of UG Semester 2nd Arts Stream. |
2022-04-26 |
Notice Regarding Conduct of UG Semester 5th Zoology Examination. |
2022-04-25 |
Re-evaluation form for UG 1st,3rd, 5th (Private) and 6th (Supplementary) Dec-Jan 2022 commencing w.e.f. 27-04-2022 (Offline Submission) |
2022-04-24 |
Notice (Reminder) regarding conduct of skill paper of sem 3rd and 5th 2022. (Online mode) |
2022-04-21 |
Re-evaluation form for UG 1st,3rd, 5th (Private) and 6th (Supplementary) Dec-Jan 2022 commencing w.e.f. 22-04-2022 |
2022-04-20 |
Scholarship Objection / Deficiency Cases. |
2022-04-20 |
General Time Table B.Sc. Semester 2nd Offline Classes 2022 . |
2022-04-19 |
Regular classwork of B.Sc. Semester 2nd shall start w.e.f. 21-04-2022. |
2022-04-19 |
List of UG Semester 1st students for hostel allotment for the year 2022-23. |
2022-04-16 |
Notice regarding clarification Tourism Management (Generic) paper of semester 5th online mode. |
2022-04-16 |
Corrigendum for B.Sc. Semester 5th Zoology examination. |
2022-04-16 |
Last date for the submission of applications for the Best Outgoing Student has been extended upto 28-04-2022. |
2022-04-16 |
Circular for students who are organising functions/ parties outside the college campus. |
2022-04-12 |
Clarification regarding addition of percentage of marks in the online external examinations of semester 1st, 3rd and 5th April May 2022 |
2022-04-04 |
B.A. Semester 1st Examination of Subject English Literature Postponed and Rescheduled |
2022-04-01 |
Clarification regarding Notice No. WCP/Exam/2022/65 Dated 23-03-2022. |
2022-03-29 |
Notice for all the concerned students of GCW Parade. |
2022-03-26 |
List of students who have discrepancies / objections in their scholarship forms are directed to submit documents shown against their names. |
2022-03-24 |
Offline Examination of UG semester 5th scheduled to be held on 26-03-2022 is hereby postponed and re-scheduled |
2022-03-23 |
Notice Regarding Conduct of UG Semester 3rd and 5th Examination Online |
2022-03-22 |
Notice Regarding Conduct of UG Semester 3rd and 5th Examination |
2022-03-20 |
Corrigendum Regarding UG Semester 3rd Examination |
2022-03-10 |
First Exam Rescheduled for UG Semester 1st, 3rd and 5th |
2022-03-07 |
Notification for UG Semester 3rd History and Psychology Students |
2022-03-05 |
Notification and Datesheet for Retest of Internal Assessment Test of UG Semester 1st, 3rd and 5th |
2022-03-05 |
Absentee List of Internal Assessment Test of UG Semester 1st, 3rd and 5th |
2022-03-05 |
Failure List of Internal Assessment Test of UG Semester 1st, 3rd and 5th |
2022-02-24 |
Instructions, Scheme of Papers and Relaxations for the Conduct of Regular Examination of UG Semester 1st, 3rd and 5th (Commencing w.e.f. 14-3-2022) |
2022-02-24 |
Notice for alumnae of GCW Parade regarding academic progression |
2022-02-21 |
Scholarship Notice and List of candidates who have not contacted/ submitted the status of Application |
2022-02-20 |
Corrigendum regarding UG Semester 5th Internal Assessment |
2022-02-18 |
Notification for inviting Hostel Applications |
2022-02-14 |
Notification for All the Students |
2022-02-14 |
Notice for UG Semester 5th Regarding Internal Assessment Test. |
2022-02-14 |
Notice Regarding Offline Classwork of PG Courses. (w.e.f. 15-02-2022) |
2022-02-14 |
Some Key Information Regarding National Youth Parliament Festival 2022 |
2022-02-11 |
Notification regarding MCA Semester 5th Annual Examination 2022 (commencing w.e.f. 21-02-2022) |
2022-02-09 |
Instructions and scheme of papers for internal assessment test of UG semester 1st, 3rd and 5th regular (commencing w.e.f. 15-02-2022) |
2022-02-08 |
Internal Assessment of UG Commencing w.e.f. 15-02-2022 via online mode. |
2022-02-01 |
Applications for Financial Aid Scholarship are invited from UG and PG students of all streams. |
2022-01-28 |
Urgent Notice, List of Students who have selected wrong skill subject, need to be changed urgently |
2022-01-19 |
Notice for Video Conferencing Facility Regarding GSuite issues from Monday to Friday 1:30 to 3:00 PM |
2022-01-18 |
Result and Notification for Civil Services Foundation Course (EWS Category) |
2022-01-17 |
Result and Notification for Civil Services Foundation Course (General Category) |
2022-01-13 |
Expresion of Interest for Accidental Insurance of Students invited from Govt./Private Companies. |
2022-01-06 |
Urgent Circular for Students |
2022-01-01 |
PG Home Science Admission Notice |
2021-12-27 |
Notice Regarding Conduct of External Practical Examination of UG Semester 1st, 3rd and 5th Private and 6th Semester Supplementary Examinations December 2021. |
2021-12-25 |
PG Semester 2nd Examination Rescheduled with New Dates |
2021-12-25 |
UG Semester 1st Private Examination Rescheduled with New Dates |
2021-12-23 |
PG-English Admission Notification |
2021-12-20 |
PG Admission 2021 for candidates applied under categories |
2021-12-18 |
PG Admission 2021 For Leftover Seats |
2021-12-13 |
Corrigendum Regarding Rescheduling of Some Papers of 3rd Semester (Private) |
2021-12-13 |
Corrigendum Regarding Rescheduling of Some Papers of 5th Semester (Private) |
2021-12-13 |
Corrigendum Regarding Rescheduling of Some Papers of 6th Semester (Supplementary) |
2021-12-13 |
Admission Schedule for PG Programs for the Session 2021-22 |
2021-12-13 |
Guidelines for Admission in PG Programs for the Session 2021-22 |
2021-12-13 |
Intake Capacity of Various PG Programs for the Session 2021-22 |
2021-12-11 |
Roll Number List of entrance test for civil services coaching |
2021-12-11 |
Important Notification regarding conduct of entrance test for civil services coaching |
2021-12-09 |
Instructions for CBCS / Non-CBCS candidates appearing in forthcoming private examinations of UG semester 1st, 3rd and supplementary 6th |
2021-12-08 |
Contribute in College Magazine "Divagrta" before 20-12-2021 |
2021-12-08 |
Students in the given list are directed to deposit /submit the hardcopy of the scholarship form with relevant documents to convenor scholarship committee Dr. Mohd Majeed with in three days for online verification |
2021-12-06 |
Tentative Time Table for Online Classes Semester 5th Arts |
2021-12-06 |
Tentative Time Table for Online Classes Semester 3rd Arts |
2021-12-03 |
Notification for PG 1st and 3rd Semester Private Examination Forms |
2021-12-03 |
Notification for Re-evaluation of UG Semester 1st march-April 2021 Regular |
2021-12-03 |
Applications are invited from bonafide students of GCW Parade for entrance examination pertaining to coaching for foundation course for civil services examination |
2021-12-01 |
Extension Notice for Semester 6th Private Examination Forms w.e.f. 02-12-2021 to 03-12-2021 |
2021-12-01 |
Extension Notice for Semester 1st and 3rd Private Examination Forms w.e.f. 02-12-2021 to 03-12-2021 |
2021-11-29 |
Notification for Semester 5th Non-CBCS Students appearing in forthcoming private examinations (Look for DateSheet Available in DateSheet Panel) |
2021-11-29 |
Notification for Semester 5th CBCS Students appearing in forthcoming private examinations (Look for DateSheet Available in DateSheet Panel) |
2021-11-26 |
Notification for students applied for various scholarships |
2021-11-25 |
PG Semester 1st and 3rd Private Examination Forms Opening from 26-11-2021 to 02-12-2021 |
2021-11-25 |
Notification for Semester 1st and 3rd Private Examination Commencing Tentatively from 8-12-2021 |
2021-11-25 |
Notice for correction of subject for semester 1st, 3rd and 5th private Examinations |
2021-11-20 |
Extension Notice for Semester 1st, 3rd and 5th Private Examination Forms w.e.f. 22-11-2021 to 28-11-2021 |
2021-11-20 |
Notification for Semester 5th Private Examination Commencing Tentatively from 1-12-2021 |
2021-11-13 |
Deficiency List of Students Applied for Various Scholarships |
2021-11-12 |
Deficiency List of Students Applied for Various Scholarships |
2021-11-08 |
Time Table BSc Semester 1st and 2nd Session 2021-22 (Online Classes) |
2021-11-03 |
Notification for starting Offline Classes of PG Courses |
2021-11-02 |
Notification for UG Semester 3rd and 5th Gap Cases Admission |
2021-11-01 |
Corrigendum regarding filling up of supplementary examination form for 6th sem candidates |
2021-10-27 |
Last date extended for UG Semester 3rd and 5th Admission 2021 |
2021-10-26 |
Notification for UG Semester 1st, 3rd and 5th Private Examination Forms |
2021-10-26 |
Notification for UG Semester 6th Private Examination Forms |
2021-10-23 |
Final Offline Counselling Arts Stream Admission Semester 1st 2021 |
2021-10-18 |
Notification for Students seeking admission to UG Semester 3rd |
2021-10-18 |
UG Admission 2021 Notification (WCP/Coll/2021/1897) Regarding Re-Opening of Registration Forms |
2021-10-18 |
UG Admission 2021 Notification (WCP/Coll/2021/1896) Regarding Left-Over Seats offline counselling |
2021-10-18 |
Extension of last date to apply for PG Courses |
2021-10-16 |
Admission Notification UG Semester 3rd 2021-22 |
2021-10-16 |
Admission Notification UG Semester 5th 2021-22 |
2021-10-11 |
Re-evaluation applications are invited for UG Semester 3rd April-May 2021 (Regular) from 13-10-2021 |
2021-10-09 |
UG Admission 2021 Notification (WCP/Coll/2021/1816) Regarding Left-Over Seats |
2021-10-06 |
Applications are invited for various Scholarship Schemes |
2021-10-05 |
Roll number list of students of 6th UG semester (Regular), eligible for appearing in the re-examination scheduled to be held w.e.f. 11-10-2021 |
2021-10-01 |
Important notification for candidates of semester 2nd, 4th and 6th Regular Session regarding examination of absentee students |
2021-09-30 |
UG Admission Notification |
2021-09-28 |
PG Admission Notification 2021-22 |
2021-09-28 |
2nd Semester RLO Cleared |
2021-09-25 |
Date of Auction Extended |
2021-09-22 |
Notification regarding Semester 5th re-evaluation forms |
2021-09-21 |
Admission Notice for Stanographer and Secretariat Assistant English 2021 |
2021-09-07 |
Important Notification for Applicants of UG Semester 1st Admission 2021, Want to Change/Upgrade Subject Combination |
2021-09-01 |
Notification Regarding Schedule of UG Semester 1st Admission 2021 |
2021-08-27 |
All students presently appearing in semester 2nd and 4th are required to undergo COVID-19 vaccine before applying for admission to next semester |
2021-08-25 |
UG Admission 2021 Semester 1st Registration Date Extended till 01-09-2021 |
2021-08-24 |
Important notification for 5th semester Regular students Regarding Online examination |
2021-08-13 |
UG Admission 2021 Semester 1st Registration Date Extended |
2021-08-13 |
Biotechnology Semester 6th Exam Postponed |
2021-08-05 |
Notification for Fresh Admission (Online) 2021-22 of UG Programmes |
2021-08-03 |
Corrigendum regarding Semester 4th and 6th semester regular examination regarding rescheduling of timings of science and Commerce streams and postponement of 4th sem Indian Music examination |
2021-08-02 |
Notification for Fresh Admission 2021-22 Session |
2021-07-29 |
Notice for inviting Re-evaluation applications of UG Semester 1st Private Jan-Feb 2021 Result |
2021-07-29 |
Corrigendum regarding rescheduled Examinations of UG private semesters 2nd, 4th and 6th |
2021-07-28 |
Instructions and scheme of papers for the conduct of regular examination of UG Semester 2nd, 4th and 6th commencing w.e.f. 07-08-2021 |
2021-07-21 |
PG Sem 1st zoology, english and music exam scheduled to be held on 22-07-2021 postponed and will be held on 29-07-2021 |
2021-07-17 |
Admission Notice of Stenographer & Secretarial Assistant (English) for the Session 2021-22 |
2021-07-17 |
Notice regarding upcoming examination of UG Semester 2nd, 4th and 6th |
2021-07-10 |
Notice for inviting Re-evaluation applications of UG Semester 3rd Private Jan-Feb 2021 Result |
2021-07-10 |
Notice regarding cancellation of Management Accounting paper of Sem 6th (Commerce) held on July 10th 2021, rescheduled and will be condcted on August 2nd 2021. |
2021-07-10 |
IMPORTANT ! Notice for the infomation of all the candidates of UG and PG appearing in their respective examinations through Online Mode. |
2021-07-06 |
Notice regarding procedure for appearing in the PG Semester 1st and 4th examinations (Online-Mode) |
2021-07-01 |
Notification for the information of all the students of BA, B Sc., B. Com, BCA Semester 2nd , 4th Private and 6th supplementary appearing in the said examinations (Online-Mode) |
2021-06-27 |
Notice regarding UG Semester 2nd, 4th and 6th Private Examination starting tentatively w.e.f. July 8th 2021 |
2021-06-23 |
last Date Extended for Online Submission Of Examination Forms of UG Semester 2nd ,4th and 6th (Private) till 30th June. |
2021-06-23 |
Mercy Chance (One Time Special Chance) for UG Candidates of Session 2014 and 2015 to appear in Examination. |
2021-06-17 |
Response to various queries regarding results |
2021-06-04 |
Notice for Private Students of UG Semester 2nd ,4th and 6th for Online Submission Of Examination Cum Admission Forms |
2021-05-31 |
Procedure for writing the Online Examination for MCA Semester 3rd and 5th |
2021-05-07 |
Notice regarding Rescheduled time of examination and time slot for uploading Pdf. |
2021-05-02 |
Procedure for writing the Open Book Online Examination |
2021-04-01 |
Notice Regarding Admission in Art and Craft Course |
2021-04-01 |
Notice Regarding Registration under Startup Initiative |
2021-03-28 |
Important Notification regarding exam pattern |
2021-03-05 |
1st Semester Examination scheduled to be held on 12th March 2021 is hereby postponed on account of Shab-i-Miraj |
2021-03-05 |
Semester 3rd Private Examination Rescheduled |
2021-03-05 |
Important: ST Students of Ladakh |
2021-03-05 |
Fourth Merit List (Open Category) of PG-Admission 2020 |
2021-03-05 |
Online Applications for ST Students on National Scholarship Portal for Post Matric Scholarship |
2021-02-25 |
Examination of UG 1st Semester kept on hold till further orders |
2021-02-25 |
Admission on vacant seats of MCA and PG Music |
2021-02-25 |
Second Merit List (Open Category) of PG-Admission 2020 |
2021-02-25 |
Important Notification for PG Semester-III and Semester-V |
2021-02-23 |
3rd Semester Examination scheduled to be held on 1st March 2021 is hereby postponed |
2021-02-23 |
3rd Semester Examination scheduled to be held on 24th Feburary 2021 is hereby postponed |
2021-02-11 |
PG Admission 2021 Portal reopen (Visit www.gcwparade.org to fill application) |
2021-02-10 |
Notice for students who have applied for scholarship on NSP for the year 2020-21 |
2021-02-10 |
Notice for PG Students |
2021-02-08 |
Information for Students of UG Semester 1st, 3rd and 5th Regular |
2021-02-03 |
Corrigendum to notification regarding attempt of questions for Private Examinations of 1st and 3rd Sem |
2021-02-02 |
Financial Aid for Poor Students |
2021-02-02 |
Important Notification for Candidates appearing for Private Examination UG Semester 1st and 3rd |
2021-01-29 |
Notice regarding re-opening of college |
2021-01-29 |
Notice and Undertaking for Sem-1/ Sem-3 students who have submitted examination form for Private Examinations in connection with considering them eligible for Mass promotion |
2021-01-25 |
Distribution of seats under different reserved categories in PG programs for the session 2020-21 |
2021-01-22 |
PG Admission Date Extended without Late Fee |
2021-01-20 |
Notice for UG Semester-II (Private) Candidates |
2021-01-19 |
Notice regarding provision of promotion for Semester-V (Private) |
2021-01-15 |
Reservation Details for Admission to PG Courses |
2021-01-12 |
UG Semester 1st and 3rd Examination On-Hold |
2021-01-11 |
Notice for Private Candidates of UG Semester 2nd |
2021-01-11 |
Eligibility Criteria for PG |
2021-01-11 |
Last Date Extended for PG Admissions |
2021-01-06 |
Notification for PG students |
2021-01-06 |
Addendum to PG Admission Notice 2020-21 |
2021-01-06 |
Notification for students of minority communities applying for scholarship |
2021-01-05 |
Notification Extension of Date |
2021-01-05 |
Notification regarding the conduct of practical examinations |
2021-01-05 |
Notification for PG Candidates |
2021-01-04 |
Examination Postponed |
2021-01-03 |
Important Notice for Students applying for scholarship |
2021-01-01 |
Important Notice for Students appearing in forthcoming Private Examination |
2020-12-29 |
PG Admission Notification 2020-21 |
2020-12-24 |
Important Notice for Candidates Seeking Admission Cancellation and Fee Refund |
2020-12-20 |
Notice for Expression of Interest |
2020-12-19 |
Subject wise Absentee list of Semester 4th Private |
2020-12-17 |
Re-Exam Date sheet for sem 4 private absentees or leftout candidates (offline) . |
2020-12-15 |
Important Notice for Students who have applied for scholarship |
2020-11-26 |
Corrigendum Semester 2nd Private Examination. |