Important Update ROLL NO. LIST of the candidates enrolled in Semester-I after 21/11/2024      MERIT LIST for Admission to Sem-I under NEP-2020 (Session 2024-25)      Admission Notification sem 1st Nep for 12th bi annual passed students      3rd Sem Regular DateSheet NEP      5th Sem Regular Datesheet NEP      Election Notice for CR s      Admit Cards for the conduct of Private Semester exam 1, 3 and 5 are available on the web portal.      NOTICE REGARDING ADMISSION IN CERTIFICATE/DIPLOMA COURSE IN NON-FORMAL SANSKRIT EDUCATION      ADMISSION NOTICE FOR ADMISSION TO SEM 3RD AND SEM 5TH      List of students admitted to sem 1 session 2024-25     

Principal's Message

Dr. Ravender  Kumar Tickoo,Principal

Dr. Ravender Kumar Tickoo

Welcome to GCW Parade Ground, Jammu!
Established as the first Women college of Jammu Province by Maharani Tara Devi during the rule of then Maharaja Hari Singh, and named appropriately as Maharani Mahila College, this institution has seen good days and has gone through several permutations to reach thus far. On 25th November,1953 Maharani Mahila College was renamed as Govt. College for Women, Parade, Jammu...

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