The library has :
- 62157 Books (all subjects and reference books)
- 5000 Magazines/Journals (Online and Offline mode)
- 24 Newspapers
- Gift books
- Approximately 13097 books in Book Bank
- Books under state grant are annually purchased through E-Tendering.
- Automation of Library books is done in the session 2020-2021.
- Browsing centre was established in 2021.
- Smart cards for students and staff.
- NDL Facility is available.
- RFID Technology is available.
- Books are scientifically arranged with technical service such as Book selection, acquisition, classification, coding for assigning location, automation using Koha.
- E-Resources @N-LIST
- Subscribed e-Journals and e-Books
- In this electronic era, the library has also subscribed e-journals through N-List (National Library and Information services infrastructure of scholarly content).
- Under this project the college fraternity is provided the credentials to access e-journals through database.
- All electronic resources subscribed under N-List Programs are available from the publisher's website.
- Besides, the facility of Book Bank enables the students to borrow books on long term basis.
- A space is also allocated for specially abled students and faculty in the library.
- The College library is open for students and staff during the college hours on all working days.
- Students are allowed to get issued three books at a time which are to be returned within 15 days.
- Complete silence is to be observed in the college library and in the reading rooms.
- Students are directed to handle books properly. Any body found misusing the library books/ library journals/magazines etc. shall be punished under rules.
- If a borrowed book is lost, torn or damaged, the student responsible for it will be liable to replace it or pay double the cost of the book.
- Every student at the time of borrowing books from the Library shall present to the Librarian her borrower card. The card is issued by the Chief Librarian
- Every student on being admitted shall be issued an "Identity Card" which she shall carry with her all the time and shall produce on demand. In case of loss of ID Card a fine of Rs. 100/- shall be charged.
Reading Room Facility Available in Library.